Smart Process Automation
We spent the week listening to Inside Sales and Sales Operations leaders about challenges/opportunities in managing BDRs.
Figuring out what to do, when, why… and then the how at scale… actually engaging with prospects and customers… is a major theme.
“Doing them all” is usually impossible in the face of 100’s and even 1000’s of tasks and leads to engage.
Keeping track of what to do next across a mix of campaigns, multi-touch cadences that are at various points of completion, and varying inflows of leads from marketing, the web site, and one’s own prospecting — creates a crazy town scenario. Out-Of-Control.
And simple workflow or cadences tend to break down, because they expect rigid compliance… think “robotic”… when people are human beings who cannot and should not be expected to behave like robots.
A Smart Process is one that takes these complexities under consideration and solves them — via dynamic, smart guidance for the BDR. Personalized to the BDR and their unique situation… in their database, in their work style… and capacity. Guidance should adapt in real time when the situation changes (inbound email is received, steps are missed for good or bad reasons, a major influx of leads comes in… many interruptions)… but the process still needs to keep going and maximize the BDR’s time.
It’s an imperfect world, and responding to this reality with dynamic guidance… is missing in the marketplace.

This is why we’re building it.
Stay tuned.